Pink only for Girls?

Yesterday, while picking up my package from UPS, an elderly couple tried to interact with Jamie. They seemed friendly and for once, Jamie was OK to say hello to a total stranger ? Usually he hides, runs away, or cries… Not this time ? Luckily since I still stood in line to pick up my […]

Nordic Style Home

It’s been a while since I shared som good old Friday Inspiration with you. So it´s about time!!! This weeks interior account that I want to show to you, is the amazing home of @fru_kongstad I have fallen for her nordic, minimal and subtle interiorstyle. If you don’t follow her already, then read on … […]

First Advent Giveaway 

Win beautiful & stunning giveaway with interior decoration for the entire family

I am so excited to share this years first Advent giveaway with you. There has been put a lot of hard work in it. Here are the 3 prices 😀 Winner takes it all. Enter HERE!!! You can win a Johanibali cloud play mat in either white or pink from It is your choice! […]

Thursday Crush

Thursday CrushI want to start off this blog by sharing a stunning interior account with you.Christine has great & trendy interior taste and shares it with pictures of her own beautiful home along with inspirational photos.I love her deep blue wall along with the light furniture and the golden nightstand lamp ? And isn’t the hanger with […]

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