Mangler du en smuk natlampe til dit barn, som samtidig går til alle aldre?
Min 4-årige dreng har på det seneste ikke kunnet falde i søvn, medmindre vi tændte en natlampe. Så vi købte en billig lampe til ham. Men jeg synes, at vi manglede en flot lampe i god kvalitet som er alderssvarende og samtidig både ser godt ud og passer til hans interesser. Desuden må den heller […]
Kæmpe SALE hos ILVA
Mange af jer elsker vores sofa, som vi købte for 6 mdr siden i ILVA. Så da de spurgte om jeg vil dele dette fantastiske tilbud med jer, tænkte jeg: “Hell Yeah!” Spar 20% – 50% på Alle Møbler hos ILVA Ja du hørte rigtigt! Og jeg har lavet et direkte link til alle deres […]
Her får du motorisk fremmende legetøj (og lækker indretning til børneværelset)
Reklame på vegne af Hvordan kan du fremme dit barns motorik? Vores dreng er vildt fremme i skoene, når det angår motorik. Hvorfor vides ikke med 100% sikkerhed. Men vi har gjort en masse, for at fremme og styrke den. Der er mange måder, vi har gjort det på. En af dem er Bobles […]
Sy et Nemt, Trendy Pudebetræk
Er du en af dem, der ikke tør kaste sig ud i at sy? I frygt for det går galt ? Her er så det nemme projekt du burde starte med Først skal du måle hvor lang og bred din pude er, ellers kan du købe en ny pude i butikken. Jeg har valgt […]
Party in a Box
Gifted //Have you ever found yourself stressing over planning your kids Birthday party? I know I have!! So I am so excited over finding Party in a Box ? I met the lady behind this concept at an influencer meeting last year. She was wearing a glittery T-Shirt with this statement print: ” NO GLITTER […]
Body positive Posters
Affiliate links // In need of a positive and trendy poster wall? Or just body positive inspirational motivation? Well keep reading ? Love has many Faces ? and is experienced differently in each stage of your life That is what this poster reminds me off ? on the other hand it is great minimalistic […]
Friday Crush
It’s been a while! But I want to bring back Friday Crush for you ? And what better than with a gorgeous Scandinavian account like @linapolat Instagram home ? She reveals her absolute favorites below? I love her soft palette of grey, nudes and whites ? The rug is very trendy along with the lime […]
New In
I just recieved an amazing GIFT!!! Last year I had an amazing sponsored deal, that started my passion for interior for REAL. WOODSUP ? Those of you who don’t know them yet, check them out! Not only do they create amazing wooden decorations, but they also support a GREAT CAUSE! To cut to the chase: […]
Friday Crush
This friday, meet the beautiful interior account Byrimgaard. Her lovely home is stunning, and that coloured wall is TDF ? Later on I will share some key itemns of hers with you to get her lovely style. Look at this comfy corner with the chunky knit, the beautiful wall planthanger and light interior ?? This […]
Friday crush
This friday, meet Jeanette, who is behind the gorgeous interior account jeanette_berg. Right now she is renovating her old house, to make it a more modern home to live in ? I love her modern geometric style, which gives her interior an egde. But at the same time the wooden birds, the plant and basket, […]
Raw, Minimalistic Touch
Do you also love the raw, minimalistic nordic trend dominating the interior world at the moment? Then check out this upcoming brand. Belisands has created amazing linen products for your home, that will look stylish and timeless. Below you can see their grey napkins that have a raw aesthetic. You can get them in a […]