Forfriskende Gluten & Laktosefri Bærtærte
Her får du opskriften på en lækker bærtærte med sommerens bær. Kombinationen af den søde mazarinbund og de syrlige bær falder i manges smag, men ønsker du en sødere tærte, kan du erstatte ribsene med fx hindbær eller blåbær. Du kan med andre ord bruge lige præcis de bær, du bedst kan lide. Og det bedste […]
Bær Salat
Jeg har lavet en lækker sommer salat. Perfekt til grillmad eller bare som et friskt pust, med lidt knas i. Så hvis du elsker en god frisk salat med masser af smag i, så læs med: Det har du brug for: 200 g jordbær 200 g cherry tomater 0,5 dl balsamico eddike 1 moden avokado […]
Body positive Posters
Affiliate links // In need of a positive and trendy poster wall? Or just body positive inspirational motivation? Well keep reading ? Love has many Faces ? and is experienced differently in each stage of your life ❤️ That is what this poster reminds me off ? on the other hand it is great minimalistic […]
New In
I just recieved an amazing GIFT!!! Last year I had an amazing sponsored deal, that started my passion for interior for REAL. WOODSUP ? Those of you who don’t know them yet, check them out! Not only do they create amazing wooden decorations, but they also support a GREAT CAUSE! To cut to the chase: […]
Friday Crush
This friday, meet Line, who is behind the beautiful interior account linebandersen. Later on in this post she will reveal her styling tips. Her lovely home is stunning, and she also has an amazing room for her little girl ? Have a look at this stunning black and white look ❤️ Do you like how […]
Raw, Minimalistic Touch
Do you also love the raw, minimalistic nordic trend dominating the interior world at the moment? Then check out this upcoming brand. Belisands has created amazing linen products for your home, that will look stylish and timeless. Below you can see their grey napkins that have a raw aesthetic. You can get them in a […]