Hvis du foretrækker parabenefri, økologisk hudpleje; læs med her

Har du også været meget ramt af allergi den sidste måned? Jeg blev ramt så meget, at min hud også er blevet irriteret. Derfor vil jeg gerne teste, hvad end jeg kan, for at hjælpe min hud! En ting der er sikkert, er at jeg med en relativ sensitiv hud, ikke vil anvende alverdens kemikalieholdige […]

Testing Pearl Wax

Sponsored| Have you tried Pearl Waxing? Well lots of you asked me on Instagram, how my experience with Pearl Wax is. If you want to know my honest opinion, then continue reading ? A long time ago, I tried strips waxing and found it painful! Therefore I gave up on waxing and went back to […]

Testing Ivy Aïa

ad// Who wants great quality as well as affordable skinproducts?? I sure do That sums up IVY AÏA in a nutshell. They recently sent me some more products to test. And I am especially fond of the handcream It moisturizes well and softens my hands a lot. They are very dry and thick skinned due […]

Amazing Organic Skincare

Sponsored| The last 2 weeks I have been testing two great products, that have helped my dry, sensitive and irritated skin tremendously!! If you want allergy friendly products, which also are organic, then check out BeYou SkinCare ? The Organic Shea butter is made out of 100% shea butter and is a great facial and […]

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