Forfriskende Gluten & Laktosefri Bærtærte
Her får du opskriften på en lækker bærtærte med sommerens bær. Kombinationen af den søde mazarinbund og de syrlige bær falder i manges smag, men ønsker du en sødere tærte, kan du erstatte ribsene med fx hindbær eller blåbær. Du kan med andre ord bruge lige præcis de bær, du bedst kan lide. Og det bedste […]
Apple Pie
Do you love apple pie as much as I do? I just found the perfect recipe ? Get it below ? So here is what you need: (10 people) The dough 125 g of Butter 140 g of egg whites 70 g of sugar cane 250 g of macaroons 80 g of spelt flour (you […]
Testing Pearl Wax
Sponsored| Have you tried Pearl Waxing? Well lots of you asked me on Instagram, how my experience with Pearl Wax is. If you want to know my honest opinion, then continue reading ? A long time ago, I tried strips waxing and found it painful! Therefore I gave up on waxing and went back to […]
Testing Ivy Aïa
ad// Who wants great quality as well as affordable skinproducts?? I sure do That sums up IVY AÏA in a nutshell. They recently sent me some more products to test. And I am especially fond of the handcream It moisturizes well and softens my hands a lot. They are very dry and thick skinned due […]