IT Tasken

Reklame|| Min veninde laver de sejeste tasker! Ja du hørte rigtigt. Mange af jer, har savlet over min bordeaux Bana Cross Body fra BY KARLSEN NORD. Og med god grund! Ansigtet bag BY KARLSEN NORD er min studie veninde Laura. Vi har sammen læst en bachelor i mode design. Allerede fra hun var helt lille, […]

Beautiful Baby Gym

affiliate links|Do you love scandinavian, minimalistic design? And want to keep your kids room and childhood memories tasteful? Then check out WITH WHITE ❤️ First off is this beautiful baby gym. I know there are many out there to stimulate your baby’s development of hand-eye coordination by letting him/her play. I have heard, that a […]

Fourth Advent Giveaway

Win huge giveaway with beautiful & stunning prizes to kick off the christmas spirit of giving

I am so excited to share this years fourth Advent giveaway with you. There has been put a lot of hard work in it. And this time, it is limited to people living in Denmark!!! Here are the 4 prizes ? Winner takes it all. Enter HERE!!! The first prize of this giveaway is a […]

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