Mangler du nye ideer til at aktivere dit barn? Her er 35 aktiviteter du kan lave med dit barn i Coronaland

Du kan sikkert relatere. Du står op om morgenen og tænker SHIIIT, hvad skal jeg nu finde på? De samme aktiviteter har kørt på repeat i 3 uger, og det ser ikke ud til at vi foreløbig kan sende vores børn i institutioner. Alt imens prøver du på at have en hverdag kørende, måske endda […]

Sy et Nemt, Trendy Pudebetræk

Er du en af dem, der ikke tør kaste sig ud i at sy? I frygt for det går galt ? Her er så det nemme projekt du burde starte med 😉 Først skal du måle hvor lang og bred din pude er, ellers kan du købe en ny pude i butikken. Jeg har valgt […]

Fourth Advent Giveaway

Win huge giveaway with beautiful & stunning prizes to kick off the christmas spirit of giving

I am so excited to share this years fourth Advent giveaway with you. There has been put a lot of hard work in it. And this time, it is limited to people living in Denmark!!! Here are the 4 prizes ? Winner takes it all. Enter HERE!!! The first prize of this giveaway is a […]

Gingerbread Cookies

Want to bake delicious Christmas cookies ?? I have had a few questions on my gingerbread cookies on Instagram, so here is the recipe ? Here is what you need for around 20 cookies ? The dough: 75 g butter 0,25 dl light sirup 0,75 dl water 100 g light cane sugar 1 tsp cinnamon […]

First Advent Giveaway 

Win beautiful & stunning giveaway with interior decoration for the entire family

I am so excited to share this years first Advent giveaway with you. There has been put a lot of hard work in it. Here are the 3 prices 😀 Winner takes it all. Enter HERE!!! You can win a Johanibali cloud play mat in either white or pink from It is your choice! […]

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