Sy et Nemt, Trendy Pudebetræk

Er du en af dem, der ikke tør kaste sig ud i at sy? I frygt for det går galt ? Her er så det nemme projekt du burde starte med 😉 Først skal du måle hvor lang og bred din pude er, ellers kan du købe en ny pude i butikken. Jeg har valgt […]

Construction Cake

Since lots of you loved the cake for Jamie´s Birthday party, I am going to share the recipé with you. All the decorations are from Party in a Box The cake was lactose free and baked it with spelt flour. If you don’t have IBS, you can easily switch it out with regular milk products […]

Raw, Minimalistic Touch

Do you also love the raw, minimalistic nordic trend dominating the interior world at the moment? Then check out this upcoming brand. Belisands has created amazing linen products for your home, that will look stylish and timeless. Below you can see their grey napkins that have a raw aesthetic. You can get them in a […]

Third Advent Giveaway

Win huge giveaway with beautiful & stunning interior decoration to kick off the christmas spirit of giving

I am so excited to share this years third Advent giveaway with you. There has been put a lot of hard work in it. And this time, everyone living in Europe can enter!!! Here are the 3 prices ? Winner takes it all. Enter HERE!!! The first prize is a combination of 4 beautiful, handmade christmas decorations. All […]

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