Laktosefrie Fastelavnsboller
Ingen fastelavn uden fedtede fastelavnsboller. Her får du opskriften på to gange laktosefrie fastelavnsboller. Hyg med opskriften på klassiske fastelavnsboller med creme, eller opskriften på lækre fastelavnsboller med chokolade og nougat. Og ingen dømmer, hvis begge opskrifter laves. Det skal du bruge til bolledejen: 100 gr. laktosefri smør 50 gr. gær 2 dl lun laktosefri […]
Construction Cake
Since lots of you loved the cake for Jamie´s Birthday party, I am going to share the recipé with you. All the decorations are from Party in a Box The cake was lactose free and baked it with spelt flour. If you don’t have IBS, you can easily switch it out with regular milk products […]
Apple Pie
Do you love apple pie as much as I do? I just found the perfect recipe ? Get it below ? So here is what you need: (10 people) The dough 125 g of Butter 140 g of egg whites 70 g of sugar cane 250 g of macaroons 80 g of spelt flour (you […]
5 minute Pudding
Reklame// Thanks for the positive feedback on my story ? 100% of you want the recipe: so here you go ??? Ingredients: 1 Digestive ( large graham cookie) 2-3 thin Oreo cookies 100 grams of chocolate pudding 50 grams of marshmallow fluff creme 1 jumbo marshmallow I chose to buy chokolate pudding and use the […]