Hvis du foretrækker parabenefri, økologisk hudpleje; læs med her

Har du også været meget ramt af allergi den sidste måned? Jeg blev ramt så meget, at min hud også er blevet irriteret. Derfor vil jeg gerne teste, hvad end jeg kan, for at hjælpe min hud! En ting der er sikkert, er at jeg med en relativ sensitiv hud, ikke vil anvende alverdens kemikalieholdige […]

Hvis du kan lide squat proof tights (og foretrækker behageligt tøj til din træning) så læs med her:

Jeg har endda twerket i dem foran spejlet, for at være helt sikker. Og den er god nok! De bliver ikke gennemsigtige. Der er ikke noget værre end af flashe ‘ens undertøj, mens man træner i et center! Næsten samtlige af de trænings tights jeg ejer, bliver halvt gennemsigtige når jeg squatter! Og det er […]

Bær Salat

Jeg har lavet en lækker sommer salat. Perfekt til grillmad eller bare som et friskt pust, med lidt knas i. Så hvis du elsker en god frisk salat med masser af smag i, så læs med: Det har du brug for: 200 g jordbær 200 g cherry tomater 0,5 dl balsamico eddike 1 moden avokado […]

Hvis du vil styrke dit barns sprogudvikling, så læs med her:

Oplever du udfordringer i dit barns sprog udvikling, eller vil du være på forkant og give dit barn den bedste start? Ligemeget hvad, så burde du tjekke Ciha ud. Denne anbefaling fik jeg selv, af min skønne pædagog veninde, som jeg har mødt gennem Instagram. Hun har speciale i sprogvejledning, og har delt tips og […]

IT Tasken

Reklame|| Min veninde laver de sejeste tasker! Ja du hørte rigtigt. Mange af jer, har savlet over min bordeaux Bana Cross Body fra BY KARLSEN NORD. Og med god grund! Ansigtet bag BY KARLSEN NORD er min studie veninde Laura. Vi har sammen læst en bachelor i mode design. Allerede fra hun var helt lille, […]

Sy et Nemt, Trendy Pudebetræk

Er du en af dem, der ikke tør kaste sig ud i at sy? I frygt for det går galt ? Her er så det nemme projekt du burde starte med 😉 Først skal du måle hvor lang og bred din pude er, ellers kan du købe en ny pude i butikken. Jeg har valgt […]

Webshoppen med det mest prisvenlige træningsudstyr

I recently found an amazing danish webshop. If you are into amazing prizes within quality training gear, training equipment, and dietary supplements, keep reading. Apuls has the largest selection of all the above in Denmark! At the same time they also have a 100% price guarantee on all their products. I love getting my gear […]

Construction Cake

Since lots of you loved the cake for Jamie´s Birthday party, I am going to share the recipé with you. All the decorations are from Party in a Box The cake was lactose free and baked it with spelt flour. If you don’t have IBS, you can easily switch it out with regular milk products […]

Party in a Box

Gifted //Have you ever found yourself stressing over planning your kids Birthday party? I know I have!! So I am so excited over finding Party in a Box ? I met the lady behind this concept at an influencer meeting last year. She was wearing a glittery T-Shirt with this statement print: ” NO GLITTER […]

Body positive Posters

Affiliate links // In need of a positive and trendy poster wall? Or just body positive inspirational motivation? Well keep reading ? Love has many Faces ? and is experienced differently in each stage of your life ❤️ That is what this poster reminds me off ? on the other hand it is great minimalistic […]

Amazing Christmas Gift Idea

reklame// My favourite gift this year is this amazing Nordgreen watch! I have been looking for a minimalistic watch for a while now. And I was sooo indecisive until this baby popped up in my feed! It has just entered the market, and is the new trendy must have watch. Here is why! Their watches […]

Black Friday Deals

Those you can't miss online

Affiliate links// It’s time for some Crazy Online Deals ? Read below? Ideal of Sweden has 50 % off for the entire BLACK WEEKEND 23-26th of November Talk about a sweet deal ? I sure love my new case ? and bet any other person with a smartphone will find something they love on their […]

Testing Bosch Unlimited Vacuum Cleaner: BBS1224

In collaboration with Bosch I have been testing the new Bosch unlimited vacuum cleaner And I am blown away ? which really says, that I was in need of an upgrade. Here is my unfiltered opinion ? Best upgrade for me is, that this baby is cordless ? It comes with 2 rechargeable “Power for […]

Pink only for Girls?

Yesterday, while picking up my package from UPS, an elderly couple tried to interact with Jamie. They seemed friendly and for once, Jamie was OK to say hello to a total stranger ? Usually he hides, runs away, or cries… Not this time ? Luckily since I still stood in line to pick up my […]

Friday Crush

For a while, I have been crushing on Simone´s home. She has built her own home together with her husband, while having small toddlers and a baby ? Below, she reveals her favourite parts of her home ? Look at this beautiful comfy corner in her livingroom ? I love her stylish functionalistic shelf / […]

Testing Pearl Wax

Sponsored| Have you tried Pearl Waxing? Well lots of you asked me on Instagram, how my experience with Pearl Wax is. If you want to know my honest opinion, then continue reading ? A long time ago, I tried strips waxing and found it painful! Therefore I gave up on waxing and went back to […]

Testing Ivy Aïa

ad// Who wants great quality as well as affordable skinproducts?? I sure do That sums up IVY AÏA in a nutshell. They recently sent me some more products to test. And I am especially fond of the handcream It moisturizes well and softens my hands a lot. They are very dry and thick skinned due […]

New In

I just recieved an amazing GIFT!!! Last year I had an amazing sponsored deal, that started my passion for interior for REAL. WOODSUP ? Those of you who don’t know them yet, check them out! Not only do they create amazing wooden decorations, but they also support a GREAT CAUSE! To cut to the chase: […]

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